Brooklyn ARTery

Archive for the tag “drawing class”

We Drank and Drew at Lark Cafe

Our die-hard drawing students braved the torrential downpour and tornado warnings to participate in the first ever Drink and Draw class at the Lark Cafe last Tuesday.  Teacher Amy Digi was very cool and the vibe was more like friends hanging out and drawing than a drawing class.  At one point, we were so giddy and chatty that the fiction writing teacher from the room next store came in to hush us. But as you can see from the photo above, it was all concentration and seriousness as we focused on getting down the curves and shapes of our model, Monica, a veteran from the Art Student League.

Half the class had never drawn from a model before. Amy showed us all how to render the form by looking at negative space and seeing shape relationships.  We drew from  ten 1-minute poses, two 5-minute poses, three 10- minute poses and one 15-minute pose, with breaks in between to discuss and share our work.

I’m very proud of these gesture drawings I did from the 1 minute poses!

As you can see,  it really doesn’t matter if you know how to draw, it’s a great night out!  And the Jever beers, imported from Germany from a local Kensington resident, helped keep us loose and happy.

So due to popular demand, (and our survey), we are planning a 6-week Drink and Draw class series. Students will need to pay in advance and reserve their space.  There will be different models each week. The location will  be determined.

If interested, Please send us a comment below with your name and contact information and the days and times that work best for you. We’ll get back to you when we’re ready to launch!

Hope to see you there!

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